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Its not normal!?
Denne lørdag begynder at ligne de forgående – men vi endte i byen og jeg blev ret så fuld .. bvadr. Aftenen var ret intim med dybe samtaler og sang. I den sidste uge har jeg været til clinique-make-up-aften med min dejlige veninde. Weekenden samt torsdag har stået på byture – igen !


Sorry for not blogging these days – are out of internet .. but now I’ve finished the logo I should design for a new started company – its pretty awesome . Hope you guys have a great day .. Today is on Nupo and soup (just to eat something with almost no calories).


No sleep, no good food, no time for “me” – only work work work, coffee, soup and a bit of candy. Im tired and the only thing there is on my mind is sleep. We are working on a project (campaign) for a perfume. Today is on photoshoot and outdoor commercials, guerilla-marketing and magazine-ads and finishing our concept.

Make me go to another world !!!

monday with joy

My sister and mom came. L baked buns. Later it ended with a power nap on the couch, followed by a trip to a restaurant to eat ice cream for dinner together with L. Then I can delete this on my list of things to do in 2012. I’ll never do it ever again!

from the weekend

From the weekend before we went to the party.. I I’m started to hate alcohol.